I went to a ball this weekend. I say 'ball', it was more of a disco/piss up in a fancy building. It was weird dressing up in full tuxedo. I'm not someone who really cares about how I look and frankly I hate the idea of drawing any attention to myself and nothing draws attention to yourself more then walking through Northampton Town centre wearing a spangly mask and tuxedo. That said, once you put a tux on you feel pretty cool even if your mask makes you feel like an extra from Eyes Wide Shut. Also, what's the point of a Cumberbund (or Cumberland as Jen mistakenly called it)? Answers on a comment please!
Here's me and Jen (I'm on the left, the masks can make things confusing)
On to the good doctor (not to be confused with the other good doctor). Last week's cliffhanger was genius. The episode itself was typically self referential in an increasingly ludicrous manner (and don't get me started on the sloppy holocaust line) but it redeemed itself with one of the best WTF? endings ever.
The last episode of the season and the resolution of last week's cliffhanger was pretty much a perfect demonstration of the the moments of brilliance marred by poor writing that has blighted most of the last 4 seasons of Who (Ignoring of course anything written by the new bloke in charge, Steven Moffat).
The Good (to quote Dr Dan) - RTD doesn't shy away from big scale. Even though the effects may not be up to it the episode definitely felt epic. It's complete tosh of course, but enjoyable tosh. RTD has always been great on the emotional angle, with a hugely satisfying payoff on the Rose & Doctor story line. The Dr is also as compelling as always due to the snappy dialogue brilliantly delivered by Tennant, who I hope hangs around for at least one more season. Also, Davros (despite his voice and dialogue being a carbon copy of The Emperor, even down to the 'feel the anger' bollocks) looked pretty damn scary and hopefully freaked out alot of kids. Finally, Catherine Tate appears to be as good as killed off, as we're promised she will spontaneously combust if she ever remembers her time with the doctor. yay!
The Bad. I think the resolution to the cliff hanger was the perfect example of what's been wrong with the last three seasons of Who. Any notion of genuine threat is completely undermined by the inevitable nonsensical get out - be it the dues ex solution of season 3 (because as soon as you can undo anything it really doesn't matter what happens), the generic sonic screwdriver solution or, as with the cliff hanger resolution, a quickly spoken scientific explanation by the doctor said so quick no one will try to analyse it and realise why it makes absolutely no sense. This happened alot in last nights episode, my particular favorite was Donna defeating the Darleks by flicking a switch. Seriously? Every time a weak solution is used to get out of a problem it really closes a lot of doors for future episodes and really does ruin any potential suspense.
Anyway, I'm moaning quite a lot and i'm sure no one cares. I have really enjoyed the last 4 seasons of who despite my above moans. Huge credit has to be given to RTD for rebooting new life into Dr Who, giving us two above par Doctors and making sci-fi in a Saturday evening slot work. I'm proper excited about the new series in 2010, led by Steven Moffatt, by far the most consistent Dr Who writer of the last 4 series (see 'Blink').
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